
Results tagged “flat design”

5 Hidden Features in iOS7

Here are 5 hidden features in iOS7 that you didn't even know you needed, but now won't live without:

1. You can close multiple apps at onceclosemultiple.png
You probably already know that double tapping the home button will give you a preview of your app window, and that swiping up will close an open task. But did you know you that you can swipe two or more windows up at the same time? Try it!

2. Smart App Updating
Gone are the days of staring at that Update badge steadily climbing as you wait for a wi-fi connection to "Update All." backgroundrefresh.pngApple knows you live a busy life and took all of the work out of maintaining your apps up-to-date. Turn on "Background App Refresh" and sit back and let your phone update itself. Fair warning though, this will lock you out of your app without notice - so if you are about to give a presentation and need your notes, be sure to turn off this option so you don't get caught off guard.

3. Time stamps on messages
In addition to conversation time stamps, you can now just swipe from
left to right to see exactly when each message comes in or goes out.


4. Audio-only FaceTime Calls
You don't have to burn through minutes if you're talking to another iOS user. Just go to Facetime and choose the phone instead of the video icon and make crisp audio-only calls.


5. Motion Sensing Controls
Need to launch Siri but have your hands full? Now you can use your iPhone's motion sensing capabilities to complete tasks with a tilt of your head. Pretty awesome.


What Flat Design Can Teach Us About Typography

Flat design has taken the web and mobile by storm. Like any trend, both seasoned and aspirational designers are using elements of flat design to different degrees of success. Those that nail it usually have an eye for white space, iconography, and most importantly, typography.

Minimalism is at the heart of flat design. Sans serif typefaces are usually used throughout for consistency and clean lines. Type families that have a full range of weights are preferable for maximum contrast, especially on bright simple backgrounds.

Most flat design makes typography the star. Big bold headings with smaller but highly legible subheadings are key in clean, flat layouts. What makes that look visually appealing is the focus on hierarchy. Directing the user's eye to the most important information first makes the UX more intuitive.

Leading and tracking gives typography room to breathe. Any good flat design is tightly edited for clarity and brevity. Once you have that final text, it should be easy to give your layout a lot of breathing room. Concentrate on the leading and tracking throughout to give the text a consistently easy-to-read flow.